The tool Authenticating degrees allows you to check if the applicants are stating their education truthfully on their resume. It is crucial to verify this because diploma mills are becoming more popular for circulating fake certificates.
This fraud makes it difficult employers to locate qualified applicants, and also lowers the value of actual degrees.
Degree Verification Process
The verification of degrees is an effective method for fighting academic fraud. Verifying degrees allows employers to ensure that applicants have the qualifications needed to be considered for the job, and ensures the integrity of legitimate universities and reduces the risk of diploma mills.
An easy, user-friendly paper or online forms will help speed up the process of verifying degrees. Utilizing a form will make time and energy for both the college and the student.
Students with disabilities can benefit by online forms that offer clear directions and multilingual options. They are able to supply all the information necessary to complete the degree verification and without confusion or error.
Many students and graduates must authenticate their diplomas to be accepted into international applications. AERC often requires the documents to go through lengthy authentication procedures. It is crucial to confirm with the institution or company that is requesting the documents that authentication is required. It’s also a good idea to have an alternative plan in case the document is not authenticated. This can include an alternative degree certificate that has a notary stamp or seal.
Credential Fraud Prevention
Credential fraud affects the reputation of both employers and universities. It’s an industry that is multi-billion dollars. It could affect the capacity of an organization to hire and recruit qualified employees and create problems with liability. It also can affect the credibility and trust individuals have in their professions.
It’s a problem that’s global because it’s so easy to obtain fraudulent credentials including fake degrees. A lot of these scams are driven by high-pressure sales tactics as well as the promise of accreditation by fake universities. The best method to avoid it is to conduct thorough background checks and educate hiring managers and other personnel about the types of degrees commonly counterfeited.
Dock Certs, the Dock Wallet and blockchain technology can confirm degrees in a matter of minutes. This makes it simpler to establish that they attended an institution. It could reduce time and cost for organizations by eliminating the necessity to contact schools with long waiting time. It also helps to reduce the chance of fraud with credentials and helps keep companies secure and productive by making sure that applicants have the credentials they claim to possess.
Verify educational credentials
Education verification is an important step in the hiring process, to make sure that applicants’ educational qualifications are legitimate. False representations about academic credentials are not uncommon and could compromise the credibility of both the hiring process as well as the reputation of a business. It is essential to confirm the qualifications of your employees and keep detailed documents to avoid fraud.
This usually involves calling the registrar at the educational institution and requesting information about the applicant’s GPA, attendance record, and grade. Verification may take some time depending on how responsive and accommodating the institution is as well as the complexity of the student’s educational history. Certain degrees might also require to be legalized or authenticated in the event that they are going to be used in a different country. The consulate or embassy of the country where the degree will be presented will review the degree and ensure that it meets their requirements. Usually, consulates or embassies will stamp or place a sticker directly on the document to mark the document as legalized and authenticated. Our notary services are able to assist with this process, by creating a notarial certification that can be attached to the diploma itself.
Diploma Mills
A diploma mill is an illegitimate college or university which offers fake degrees to students, without doing any work. Certain diploma mills market themselves as fake universities in a way that is obvious however others are more subtle and harder to spot. They might need a tiny amount of education, but not enough to be regarded as academically legitimate. They also provide degrees in shorter periods of time than could be expected by a legitimate institution. A lot of them are online, and do not have a physical address.
These diploma mills pose a serious issue, since they treat degrees as an item that could be bought and sold. They are also a threat to society, as they allow individuals to get jobs without the credentials required to be able to perform the job. This is a key reason why professional background screeners should utilize their experience to identify fake universities and colleges. The background screeners can examine the information against lists of diploma mills in order to identify potential issues. They can then report the results to their client. The client will then be able to decide what steps to take.
Background Check the Degrees
In a lot of industries, a degree is essential for employment. Many positions require a bachelor’s degree or a higher level of education and employers will make sure candidates are truthful about their education on their resume. It isn’t uncommon for applicants to inflate their education credentials on their resumes. Many make use of diploma mills to purchase fake degrees. Background checks can verify education and help prevent fraud.
The educational verification is also known as a college transcript or background checks for education. It conducts searches at high schools and vocational schools as well as colleges, universities, and colleges to verify the claimed education history of a candidate. The information includes dates, study schedules, and status of graduation. Verification can take a long duration because you need to get in touch with the registrar of every school, and then wait for several weeks or even months prior to receiving the official documents.
It can be hard to find records when candidates have changed their names or have graduated from a country other than the one they currently live in. However, a reputable background screening company will have in-house verifiers to reduce the processing time and improve the precision of results.