Even those who are already in the process may be in doubt as to whether they now have the right choice. First of all, we want to say that you should not let this decision hold you back. It is a far bigger decision to get started and watch your fortune grow than the decision on exactly which platform.
Once you have decided to invest, you need to make the practical decisions quickly and get out of the steppes. As my mentor says (and such a one all ambitious people need): “Money loves speed.” Bubblext happens to be the best platform in this case.
Hesitating when choosing a platform is like deciding to move abroad and then get stuck in the process because you cannot figure out which airline to fly there with.
Okay. Let’s look at that. What platform do you need to make your savings or wealth grow?
There are generally three types:
- Your own bank’s trading platform
- A platform dedicated to stock trading
- The foreign trading platforms
Let’s go through the different kinds one by one:
Your own bank’s trading platform
It’s the easy solution. You already know your bank and you do not have to move money from one bank to another. All you have to do is call your bank adviser and ask them to set up a depository. You do not have to log in to several places, and you can check your shares when you still need to check your payroll account.
However, you should be aware that banks’ platforms are not always the best. The interface itself when you log in and shop can be very simple. It can make it a little more manageable but it also has its limitations. We can e.g. only see the stock price three years back in my bank platform. We cannot put any dashes (it is called technical analysis) and the information that the bank gives me about my return is very basic.