Football has been the favorite sport for generations. Football is a show of friendship, confidence, camaraderie. Football is very popular. Many have made the sport their entire life. Some people even travel to every game of the team they love. Thanks to the internet, football fans can now watch thousands of games every week and find tickets easily.
Many football fans were disappointed when they couldn’t attend the games on time. Because there is only one ticket outlet for football matches, it is very difficult to find a ticket. If a fan is interested in seeing their favorite team, they can’t go home and not be satisfied. It was a huge benefit for people who lived near the stadiums football live scores and football pitches back in those days. Even worse is the fact that tickets cannot be bought months prior to the event.
As technology advances, so does the way people live their lives. Finding tickets to football matches has never been easier thanks to the internet. Today, everything that was bad in the past is now good. Tickets can be purchased up to six months ahead of the game. Even better, you can reserve a specific spot in the stadium.
Some words we use without fully understanding their meanings are common. Sustainability was one of these words for me. I recall vividly one block session in my Masters Unit on sustainability in project administration. The tutors flew in that morning from Amsterdam and immediately asked whether anyone could define sustainability. Out of the 40 students, only two could define sustainability. I tried to decipher the meaning of a word I had used several times. But I could not find one.
As soon as the class began, and the tutors started to explain the concept, I realized the importance of Sustainability. Since then, I have been determined to share the good news in the best way I can. It is crucial that everyone is informed and fully educated on sustainable living. I will tell you a story about football to illustrate sustainability and how we all need to work together to save mother earth and protect the future generations yet to come.